Earthwell upcoming concerts flier, spring 1996
Title | Earthwell upcoming concerts flier, spring 1996 |
Description | This flier includes listings for concerts promoted by Earthwell DC, an activist group in the Washington, D.C. area that organized concerts in the mid-1990s. The concerts featured here include the punk, indie, and hardcore bands Bikini Kill, Team Dresch, Cold Cold Hearts, Prema, Eventide, Faultline, I Am Heaven, Deadguy, Candyland Car Crash, Seraphin, American Underworld, Syrup, Shift, Shades Apart, Bloodlet, and Catharsis. The concerts occurred at the Marvin Center on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C. or at the Happy Hardcore House, a house venue located near the university. |
Extent | Flier; black and white |
Date | 1996-02-25/1996-04-26 |
Creator | Earthwell DC |
Location | District of Columbia; United States; North America; Washington |
Subject(s) | Punk culture--Washington (D.C.); Punk rock music--Washington (D.C.); Concerts--Washington (D.C.); Hardcore (Music)--Washington (D.C.); Fliers (printed matter) |
Citation | John Davis collection on punk, Series 3 - Fliers |
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Terms of Use | Collection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the University of Maryland Libraries. |
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