Dagger, Issue 25, 1999
Title | Dagger, Issue 25, 1999 |
Description | The twenty-fifth issue of Dagger, a punk fanzine from Santa Rosa, California. This issue, published in 1999, includes interviews with Lambchop, Damien Jurado, and Witch Hazel Sound, as well as reviews of commercial recordings and an article on bands from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
Extent | 80 pages |
Date | 1999-08-21 |
Creator | Hinley, Tim |
Subject(s) | Punk culture--Periodicals.; Punk rock music--Periodicals.; Zines. |
Citation | Ian MacKaye digital collection of punk fanzines, Series 2: Non-Washington, D.C. area punk fanzines |
Permanent Link | https://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/68450 |
Rights | http://vocab.lib.umd.edu/rightsStatement#InC |
Digital Collection(s) |