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The text reads: "Resolutions of Sympathy Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty in His infinite wisdom, to call our beloved friend and musical benefactor, Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, from all earthly labors to the great eternal and heavenly musicale, at the high noon of a useful life and an honorable career, and Whereas, through several years of professional intercourse a very warm friendship grew between our organization and the great musician, and of late years his annual concerts were not considered complete by him unless the Cymrodorions participated in them. Professionally and otherwise, he was the embodiment of manhood--kind, considerate and ever ready to aid those beneath him in musical knowledge; courteous to all, pleasing, and instructive when correcting errors, and always first to praise meritorious work; therefore Resolved, That in the death of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, America has lost a patriot, and the world the prince of conductors, and one of its greatest musicians. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved wife and daughter, with our hearty assurance that his memory will long be cherished by the members of the Cymrodorion Choral Society of Scranton, Pa., whose pleasant fortune it was to come in contact with him in life. Resolved That it is with pride we have learned that his gifted daughter is destined to become as fragrant a flower in the field of literature as the Gilmore rose is in the garden of music, which will be a surer perpetuation of his glorious name than the skilled hand of genius can accomplish on earthly granity. Resolved That we have no doubt the spirit of the great leader was borne to its final resting place in the eternal home by the spirits of Handel and the other great masters, and that his everlasting future will be sunshine and music. Committee, Richard H. Williams, John Courier Morris Joseph P. Phillips, Sec. Scranton Pa, Sept. 28, 1892 Richard H. Williams Pres". Calligraphic original (10'' x 13'', mounted in mat), dated September 28, 1892. [oversize].