United States Government Posters Collection
The U.S. Government Posters Collection consists of a variety of informational and artistic posters produced by government agencies and printed by the Government Printing Office.
These posters are interesting examples of graphic design, and also provide insight into what the government has considered important in its work and policies. The majority of the posters date from the late twentieth century. Agencies represented include the Department of Agriculture, Census Bureau, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, National Park Service, Department of Labor, National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), and others.
Although government publications are considered public domain, they may contain copyrighted material which was used with permission of the copyright owner. Publication in a Government document does not authorize any use or appropriation of such copyright material without consent of the owner. Please contact the publication’s originating department or agency, or its successor, to ascertain if you can reuse the images in this collection. To learn more about government publications and their copyright status, visit https://www.govinfo.gov/about/policies#copyright.